Get Issue list
{{env}}/uniform/openapi/queryIssueList{{signature}}Get Issue list
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Project ID
Platform ID Android:1,IOS:2,PC:10
Row limit, how many rows to get
The array of exception types, separated by commas, with supported exception types: Crash, Native, AllCatched, ANR, Unity3D, AllCrash, ExtensionCrash, Lua, JS.
The sorting order.For example: "desc" for descending order "asc" for ascending order
The optional parameter to filter by issue handling status. 0: Not Processed, 1: Processed, 2: In Progress, with multiple options supported.
sorting field
The parameter to filter by the latest time period for issues.
"appId": "string",
"platformId": 0,
"rows": 0,
"exceptionTypeList": "string",
"sortOrder": "string",
"status": "string",
"sortField": "string",
"date": "string"
Project ID
Platform ID
Issue List
Total crash count
"status": 200,
"ret": {
"appId": "a81f9c7e38",
"platformId": "1",
"issueList": [
"crashNum": 1184,
"exceptionName": "java.lang.RuntimeException",
"exceptionMessage": "sNSXTvFGp6ZGrorljP6WPxsGtKc5px",
"keyStack": "",
"lastestUploadTime": "2021-04-09 20:21:25 663",
"issueId": "4273DBD3409C2783706F3F15E140F25A",
"imeiCount": 596,
"processor": "",
"status": 0,
"tagInfoList": [],
"count": 1184,
"version": "#$cv#$",
"ftName": "",
"issueVersions": [
"version": "3.2.5",
"firstUploadTime": null,
"firstUploadTimestamp": 0,
"lastUploadTime": null,
"lastUploadTimestamp": 0,
"count": 0,
"deviceCount": 0
"numFound": 1