Get top issue list
{{env}}/uniform/openapi/getTopIssueEx{{signature}}To get top issue list
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Project ID
Platform ID Android:1,IOS:2,PC:10
All types of errors.Three types - crash, ANR, and error.
row limit
System Exit Keyword can be divided into two cases, with the values of SystemExit and unSystemExit, which represent that the keyword matching system exit keyword, and the keyword matching system exit keyword is not found.
RequestID. The fsn value can be fixed
When querying multiple versions, setting the mergeMultipleVersionsWithInaccurateResult field to true.The query result for the number of devices and the number of times should be combined by directly.
Project version, -1 represents the full version.When querying multiple versions, you must set mergeMultipleVersionsWithInaccurateResult to true.To specify one or more version numbers, support * wildcard.
whether to query multiple days' data
Start Time.When querying data for multiple days, you can specify the start of the date range (inclusive) using the format YYYYMMDD.
End Time.When querying data for multiple days, you can specify the start of the date range (inclusive) using the format YYYYMMDD.
"appId": "7786d1a114",
"platformId": 1,
"type": "crash",
"limit": 20,
"topIssueDataType": "unSystemExit",
"fsn": "c678c193-7a28-47c6-87aa-b79007152b97",
"mergeMultipleVersionsWithInaccurateResult": false,
"countryList": "",
"versionList": [
"mergeMultipleDatesWithInaccurateResult": false,
"minDate": "20230706",
"maxDate": "20230708"
response status
query results
top issue list
the number of crashed devices.
the number of connected devices.
The number of connected devices the day before, multi-day data queries are not supported.
The number of connected devices the day before, multi-day data queries are not supported.
Error details
"status": 200,
"ret": {
"code": 200,
"message": "OK",
"data": {
"prevDayCrashDevices": 1342,
"prevDayAccessDevices": 3103,
"topIssueList": [
"appId": "a48e55df8b",
"platformId": 2,
"version": "-1",
"date": "20210412",
"type": "crash",
"issueId": "A0FD07100BE7F136ABD1E227D44E71ED",
"firstUploadTime": "2021-03-25 11:02:39",
"crashUser": 808,
"crashNum": 1662,
"accumulateCrashNum": 15588,
"accumulateCrashUser": 7510,
"state": 0,
"processors": "",
"exceptionName": "SIGSEGV",
"exceptionMessage": "SEGV_ACCERR",
"keyStack": "ShadowTrackerExtra physx::PxVehicleConstraintShader::visualiseConstraint(physx::PxConstraintVisualizer&, void const*, physx::PxTransform const&, physx::PxTransform const&, unsigned int)",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-03-25 11:02:39",
"issueVersions": [],
"preDayCrashUser": 1888,
"preDayCrashNum": 0,
"is_system_exit": "false",
"tags": []
"appId": "a48e55df8b",
"platformId": 2,
"version": "-1",
"date": "20210412",
"type": "crash",
"issueId": "EEAC818D4772F4CE35C79920573B3E78",
"firstUploadTime": "2021-04-08 13:26:31",
"crashUser": 137,
"crashNum": 274,
"accumulateCrashNum": 2610,
"accumulateCrashUser": 1292,
"state": 0,
"processors": "",
"exceptionName": "SIGBUS",
"exceptionMessage": "BUS_ADRALN",
"keyStack": "ShadowTrackerExtra physx::PxVehicleConstraintShader::visualiseConstraint(physx::PxConstraintVisualizer&, void const*, physx::PxTransform const&, physx::PxTransform const&, unsigned int)",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-04-08 13:26:31",
"issueVersions": [],
"preDayCrashUser": 354,
"preDayCrashNum": 400,
"is_system_exit": "false",
"bugs": []
"appId": "a48e55df8b",
"platformId": 2,
"version": "-1",
"date": "20210412",
"type": "crash",
"issueId": "55CC50D414C8F105A6190B4AB06CA543",
"firstUploadTime": "2021-03-25 11:01:38",
"crashUser": 38,
"crashNum": 76,
"accumulateCrashNum": 718,
"accumulateCrashUser": 338,
"state": 0,
"processors": "",
"exceptionName": "SIGABRT",
"exceptionMessage": "",
"keyStack": "ShadowTrackerExtra physx::PxVehicleConstraintShader::visualiseConstraint(physx::PxConstraintVisualizer&, void const*, physx::PxTransform const&, physx::PxTransform const&, unsigned int)",
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-03-25 11:01:38",
"issueVersions": [],
"preDayCrashUser": 84,
"preDayCrashNum": 100,
"is_system_exit": "false",
"tags": [],
"bugs": []